TCRB Buchanan
In 2007 Branson cut a new road to the west of the high school, extending Buchanan Road. The opening of this road would allow for much smoother exodus away from the high school as well as saving several miles for the buses taking students to and from the west each day. Taney County Road and Bridge was originally going to pour in place the necessary retaining wall on the South side of the road, however, by switching to Redi-Rock Limestone-textured retaining wall blocks, the TCRB saved both money and more importantly saved time, as getting this road open was of paramount concern.
The wall averages 13.6’ in height and is nearly 1,100 linear feet long. It took just 9 working days between the setting of the first and last block to complete this retaining wall project.
For more information about this project, contact Steve Browne.